Monday 18 February 2013

Percy and Reed Totally TLC Hydrating Hair Mask

I am one who loves anything that claims to give my hair a pick up! In a recent post I have informed you all hair-care for me has to be a number one in my beauty regimes.  After 3 days my curly locks look like Russell Brands old hair nest ( a sight which is not great!)
So when I was given Percy and Reed Totally TLC Hydrating Hair Mask from their PR team after discussing my hair with the team I was given the Holy Grail to retrieving my old luscious locks back! It has taken time for me to use this product & review as I wanted to really deep condition my hair and see if the results were going to be as great as I hoped. 

Percy & Reed:
"Need a rescue remedy? This deep, indulgent treatment helps restores your hair’s vitality  and makes it soft and more manageable. 
How? Well, we’ve enlisted marshmallow to lend a hand nourishing and strengthening stressed tresses and coconut oil deep conditioning and moisturising. Our Heroes’”
I have seen the product has been changed from a tube to a pot.  The pot is definitely much better as you can the amount you need, especially as I used three quarters of the tub (thick, 22inches of hair) when I condition my hair I really go fully loaded!
The packaging of Percy & Reed is stylish and upbeat it suitable for teenagers to young women! The tub contains 175ml of product. It’s creamy and smells divine for at least 2 days. For your hair to get the obtain most out from the product Percy & Reed have created a shower cap that encapsulates the heat; scientifically the hat consumes more heat congested from the product and your own body heat creating a smooth soft finish once the product has been rinsed.

I deep conditioned my hair for 1 hour after my usual routine, but on top of the shower cap I wrapped my hair in a hair towel to really consume the heat and moisture, if you didn't know this tip it also points out their Salon Tip on the pot!

 The verdict, as well as having the most amazing smell, my hair was SOFT, so soft I literally could not retain myself from touching up my own hair and kept telling my boyfriend to smell it and touch it because I love it when my hair goes all soft!
Percy & Reed sometimes do offers with Glamour magazine of a free product, if this ever released again, I would say give it ago for £2, as the full price is £20 and we do like to try before we buy! That’s what I’m here for as well, to give you the truth. If I don’t like a hair product I will say no. 

The end results of my hair, ready for my Anniversary & Valentines Dinner x

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